Fishing Information VOL.7(Aji etc)

Japanese page is here

11th Aug 1996
Fishing place : Off Hota in chiba prefecture. By My Boat from home port
Time : From 8AM to 3PM
Tide : Neap tide. Ebb tide at 9:16AM, Flood tide at 4:27PM, Ebb tide at 9:48PM (Tokyo Standard Time. -30 min at Mera)
Weather : Fine after cloudy. It's hot. Strong north-east wind. The condition of Sea was not calm. High waves.
Target Fish : Aji etc
Tackle : 2.1m rod. line No was 1.5 , line length was 3m. Hook was chinu No.2. Weight was No.40.
Depth : 23m to 27m. Hitting zone was 3m to 5m over the bottom of the sea.
Bait : Krill or chip of cuttlefish .Ground bait was opossum shrimp.
Fishing results : 10 Aji from 20cm to 25cm and 5 Hanadai from 18cm to 25cm. With another fish of 2 Saba about 30cm.
It was cloudy but hot. I have left my home port "Harbor Tsuhama" by my fishing boat at 8 AM. I went to the sea off Hota coast behind the wind in the condition of strong north-east wind. The colour of the sea was very clear and dark blue like Pacific Ocean. That colour of the sea was rare in summer.(It was effect by the Kuroshio Current?) I began fishing after casting a anchor at the rocky region off Hota where was far place from the coast more than the point of Shirogisu on last vol.6. I got only sevral "Bera" because of the clear sea. So I changed the fishing place. I moved north point near Kanaya where was scattered with the small rocky region on the sand. I casted the anchor on the sand. The depth was 23m. I could get a couple of middle size Aji here at the first try. The fishes were not active but I could catch Aji with Hanadai by tempting fishes by going up and down the rod. I could catch the fishes without geting tired of fishing untill stop-fishing. North-east wind has become strong but I did not feel the strong wind because of the place behind the wind. Double time of going was necessary to come back to my home port "Harbor Tsuhama" because of the strong counter wind and the spray by waves.

I ate Ajies by sashimi and Hanadaies by broiling with salt. Those were the fresh fishes after a long time for me and were very delicious.

PS-1 : I caught several unknown fishes like Kinmedai as colour and like Utsubo as shape but I released those fishes as I did not felt good. (The fish was not Akayagara). I will take a picture of the fish if I catch the fish at the next time.

PS-2 : The colour of the sea was so beautiful that I took a picture of "Ukishima" by my degital camera (Kodak DC20).


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